Science Outreach
When I was 13 I started volunteering at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. I have been doing science outreach ever since. I have done stage shows, classes, and many public observatory nights. I find that working with the public reminds me what I find so exciting about planetary science. Answering questions forces me to think about problems in new ways and challenge things I take for granted. If you would like me to give a talk or have another opportunity you can contact me herePress for the Launch of the NASA Psyche mission
Official NASA Live Broadcast (, youtube), Arizona PBS Horizons, azcentral, 3TV PhoenixIo and Voyager 2: Lost oceans and found signals
Planetary Radio Podcast, Podcast and transcriptThe Science of Unreal Tournament's Map, "Facing Worlds"
No Clip Documentaries, youtubeThe formation and history of oceans on icy worlds across the solar system
San Jose Astronomical Association, May. 2021. youtubeExploration at the edge of the solar system
UC Santa Cruz 3-minute thesis, Feb. 2020.Can you terraform Mars with nukes?
South Bay astronomy on tap, Jan. 2020.Oceans on icy worlds
Santa Cruz astronomy on tap, Jul. 2018.The history of the martian south polar cap
SETI Talks, Oct. 2016. youtubeLowell Observatory
Volunteer Docent/Telescope operator, 2012-2014Chamberlin Observatory
Volunteer Docent/Telescope operator, 2009-2010Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Floor volunteer, 2005-2010